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Common Senior Micronutrient Deficiencies

Maintaining a healthy diet is difficult for anyone. However, as we age, our appetites decline along with our activity levels. This often makes it...

The Art of Aging Well

Oscar Wilde opined that “life imitates art far more than art imitates life” in his essay The Decay of Lying. His idea is that we, as humans, are...

Insure What? Celebrity Body Parts Insured

Insurance is a financial instrument to protect valuable assets. For most people, this means purchasing policies to cover such assets such as a home...

Using HSAs in Your Retirement Planning

Health savings accounts (HSA) can be a powerful tool when incorporated into your retirement planning. Too often HSAs are only considered for...

6 Strange Insurance Policies You Can Buy

Practically anything is insurable – for a price. But whether an insurance company is willing to go through the hassle of drawing up an insurance...

How Valuable Is Cash Value Life Insurance?

On the surface, life insurance is a very simple concept. When someone passes away, an insurance company pays a lump sum to their beneficiaries. But...

How Much Do Millennials Actually Need to Retire Comfortably?

Spanning 16 years between 1981 and 1997, Millennials account for a quarter of the nation’s population. As the oldest of their generation reach the...

Mistakes You Can Make When Exercising at Home

Working out at home definitely has its advantages. You save time traveling to the gym, save the cost of a gym membership, have more privacy, and...

Baby On Board! 9 Tips for Carrying Precious Cargo

Whether you are traveling across the country or across town, making sure your baby is safe during your journey is paramount. Peace of mind for...

Why You Should Never Lie to the Underwriter

Insurance premiums are based on the risk someone poses to an insurance company. The higher risk you are, the higher the premium an insurer may...

Forget Salad Recipes, Try a Salad “Matrix”

Does anything scream “I’m on a diet” more than eating a salad for lunch? Probably not. While salads are innately healthy, too many of us have been...

Will My Life Insurance Policy Cover Me If Something Happens While Traveling?

When applying for a life insurance policy, you will be asked to answer numerous questions. Each question is designed to provide underwriters the...

Mortgages Dissected: Details to Know

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or looking to refinance, the mechanics of a mortgage are often a mystery. We break down mortgage basics in...

I’ve Been Denied a Life Insurance Policy. Now What?

So, you finally went ahead and applied for that life insurance policy your significant other has been bugging you about for the better part of your...

5 Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes

The human brain is quite remarkable. As a protective measure, it shields us from contemplating our own mortality. The brain simply does not accept...

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