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February is American Heart Month: We want you to take it to heart

Life is precious. Living a longer, healthier life is about taking control and following some suggestions offered by the American Heart Association....

February is American Heart Month: We want you to take it to heart

Life is precious. Living a longer, healthier life is about taking control and following some suggestions offered by the American Heart Association....

Start the year with a review of your insurance coverage needs

We all agree that we need health insurance, homeowners insurance or renters insurance and car insurance. However, when was the last time your...

Start the year with a review of your insurance coverage needs

We all agree that we need health insurance, homeowners insurance or renters insurance and car insurance. However, when was the last time your...

Apps to help you manage your time and productivity

How many times have you thought about trying to keep yourself focused, determined to change a habit or just simply get a bit healthier. Here are...

Making the most of an annual insurance review

When was the last time you reviewed your insurance? Was it when you got married, had a baby, started your own business, retired, added a pet to...

Have a happy holiday season

As we all get ready for this holiday season we wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for your trust and loyalty this past year. It’s been a...

Time for Review Your End of the Year Financial To-Do List

This time of year is always so busy with the holidays, family get togethers and various events. As a result, it’s easy to postpone financial...

Five mobile apps to help you manage your holiday spending and beyond

The holiday season, which is just around the corner, is a great time to derail your budget. However, there are plenty of mobile apps that can help...

Open Enrollment For Health Insurance is Here!

This year open enrollment is only six short weeks, from November 1 to December 15, so make sure that you begin the sign up process early. As in the...

It’s Medicare Open Enrollment Period: Are You Ready?

Now that it’s Medicare’s Annual Election Period (AEP) you can switch your Part D or Medicare Advantage plan. Also known as open enrollment, it...

Four things to know about Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare’s Annual Election Period (AEP), also known as open enrollment, happens every year from October 15 to December 7. Here are four things to...

It’s Time to Take a Walk!

Instead of being a nation of people that sit around, the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, wants Americans to get out and walk. Why walking?...

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, the perfect time to learn about the importance of safeguarding your loved ones’ financial futures. No...

Protect Yourself From Health Insurance Fraud and Scams

As you already know, it’s imperative that you protect your credit card and Social Security number. However, it’s also important that you are...

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