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Winterizing the Home

Preparing your home for frigid winter temperatures during the fall is important for homeowners. Many of the steps below can be completed over a...

Factors that Affect Health and Life Insurance Coverage

Data drives the insurance industry. How an insurance company balances their exposure to risk with the premiums they collect determines if they...

Healthy Recipes for Fall Produce

Vegetables and fruits falling out of tipped over bag next to large empty space over rustic wooden background With autumn comes the fall harvest. A...

When to Drop Collision on Your Auto Insurance

Unless you live in Virginia or New Hampshire, where auto insurance is not required (but definitely recommended), premium payments are a fact of...

20 Easy Ways to Reduce Fire Hazards

Along with cooler autumn weather comes nights cuddled by a warming fire and more family gatherings in the kitchen. But with more time spent...

Conversation Etiquette: How to Express Your Opinion on Social Media

Aged, retired, couple having a video call on tablet during romanitic dinner. Old people sitting at the table, talking, using the technology,...

Which Ages Are Important for Retirement Planning

Whether you are retiring tomorrow or in twenty years, it is important to take note of important planning milestones. Understanding when certain...

Starting a Business After 60? Use These 4 Tips for a Head Start

Retirement brings about many new opportunities for retirees to explore. While many individuals look forward finding leisure golfing or tennis,...

A Morale Makeover for Your Home? Yes Please!

Our homes should inspire us, brighten our mood, and reduce stress levels. For most of us, however, our homes can become neglected, an afterthought...

New Energy After 60? 4 Ways to Biohack Your Health

What if you could change the environment around and inside you to control your biology and “unlock” more energy? Well, you can! A biohack is...

Ways to Enjoy the Outdoors at Home

Thoughts of the American backyard may conjure up images of barbeque and baseball. But as we all spend more time at home, now is the perfect time to...

Ways to Make Your Home Office Work (Even if it’s your kitchen)

Whether it is a global pandemic or tackling work over the weekend, creating a productive home office space is important. A haphazard approach to...

Meditation: Seizing the Moment

While meditation became mainstream within the last two decades, the practice has been with us for at least 5,000 years. Originating in India,...

Gutter Guards: Do They Work?

For most of us, the only time we think about gutters is when they become clogged or when we spend an entire Saturday cleaning them. The fact is...

Should You Get a Puppy?

Puppies hold a special place in our hearts. They’re cute, innocent fluffiness is more than enough to win over even the most hardened individuals....

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