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Is Plan F (Medicare) Going Away?


The most comprehensive Medicare Supplement plan is on the chopping block. Available in most states, Plan F is one of two plans (the other being Plan C) which will no longer be available after 2019. Plan F is arguably one of the most popular supplemental products due the wide range of benefits it provides such as:

  • Part A deductible
  • Part B deductible
  • Part B excess charges
  • First three pints of blood
  • Part B coinsurance and copayments
  • Coinsurance for skilled nursing care facilities
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance and copayments
  • Emergency medical care overseas (up to 80% of plan benefits)
  • Part A inpatient hospital costs and coinsurance beyond the 365 days provided under Medicare

Beneficiaries who are currently enrolled in Medicare Plan F (or C) will be allowed to keep the plan. Unfortunately, for newly eligible Medicare recipients, or those on different plans beginning in 2020, Medicare Plan F will no longer be available.

Why is Plan F Going Away?

The change is a result of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015. The Act, also known as MACRA, eliminated all plans that pay the Medicare Part B deductible, which in 2019 is $185. The deductible is the amount beneficiaries must pay before Part B pays any covered service.

Is There a Plan F Replacement?

Although purchasing Medicare Part F may not be an option in 2020, there is one plan that will be offering similar benefits. The most comparable plan is Medicare Part G. Part G covers all the same services as Part F, except for the Part B Deductible.

With the elimination of Plan C and F, the number of standardized plans available for newly eligible enrollees in 2020 will be dropping from 10 to 8 plans. Deciding which Medicare Supplement Plan to choose is an important decision. Let’s talk about your options to choose the best plan for you.

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